Composition Name: Concertino For Piano and 16 Instrum
Composition Date: 1989
Configuration: Chamber Orchestra
Featured Instrument: Piano Forte
Japanese Instrument(s): N
Length: FLEX
Players: FLEX
Commissioned by: Music From Japan, Inc.
Version (Original/Revised): O
MFJ Presented: Y
World Premiere Venue: The Asia Society
World Premiere City: New York City
World Premiere Sponsor: Music From Japan, Inc.
World Premiere Date: 1/14/89
World Premiere Performers: A. Takahashi, P. Zukofsky, MFJ Ch. Orch.
Article/Review: R
Publication: The New York Times
Title: Aki Takahashi, Pianist
Author/Critic: Bernard Holland
Publication Date: 1/16/89
Reaction: Positive
Synopsis: "...what sets Mr. Matsudaira's piece apart is its sense of
subtly pounding forward movement."
Origin (American/Japanese): A
Article/Review: A
Publication: The Village Voice
Title: Aki Takahashi
Author/Critic: Voice Ads
Publication Date: 1/17/89
Reaction: Neutral
Synopsis: "...conductor Paul Zukofsky and the Music From Japan Chamber
Orchestra will join [Takahashi] in a work commissioned from
Japanese music's elder statesman, Yoritsune Matsudaira."
Origin (American/Japanese): A
Article/Review: R
Publication: The Village Voice
Title: In the Loops
Author/Critic: Kyle Gann
Publication Date: 2/14/89
Reaction: Positive
Synopsis: "...Matsudaira's work was couched in a serialist/gestural style
more typical of younger Europeans. Its orchestration was color-
Origin (American/Japanese): A
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