Composer Name: Takashi Yoshimatsu

Composition Name: Random Bird Variations

Composition Date:                       1985 
Configuration:                         Duets
Featured Instrument:                   Piano Forte
Japanese Instrument(s):                N
Length:                                11:45
Players:                               2
Version (Original/Revised):            O
MFJ Presented:                         N

Recording Title:                       The Age of Birds
Released:                              1991
Performers:                            Keiko Yoshida, Maki Asou
Label Name:                            Camerata
Recording Format:                      Compact Disc
Commercial/Non-Commercial:             C
Recording (American/Japanese/Other):   J
Release (American/Japanese/Other):     J
Solo/Compilation:                      C
Item Number:                           30CM-179
Number of Copies:                       1 

World Premiere Venue:                  Komaba Eminence Hall
World Premiere Sponsor:                See CD insert
World Premiere Date:                   3/11/86
World Premiere Performers:             Maki Asou, Keiko Yoshida
Name of Publisher:                     Ongaku No Tomo

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