Composition Name: Sen I
Composition Date: 1984
Revised Date: 1986
Configuration: Solo
Featured Instrument: Flute
Japanese Instrument(s): N
Length: 12'
Players: 1
Version (Original/Revised): R
MFJ Presented: Y
Recording Title: Works of Toshio Hosokawa
Performers: Pierre-Yves Artaud
Label Name: Fontec
Recording Format: Compact Disc
Commercial/Non-Commercial: C
Recording (American/Japanese/Other): O
Release (American/Japanese/Other): J
Solo/Compilation: S
Item Number: FOCD-3211
Number of Copies: 1
World Premiere City: London
World Premiere Date: 6/20/86
World Premiere Performers: Pierre-Yves Artaud
American Premiere Venue: The Asia Society
American Premiere City: New York
American Premiere Sponsor: MFJ
American Premiere Date: 1/24/87
American Premiere Performers: Harvey Sollberger
Name of Publisher: Schott Japan Company Ltd.
Article/Review: R
Publication: The New York Times
Title: Beauty of the Flute
Author/Critic: Tim Page
Publication Date: 1/27/87
Reaction: Positive
Synopsis: "...a dashing, angular glossary of avant-garde techniques."
Origin (American/Japanese): A
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