Music From Japan



Classical Voice North America: “Sampling The Century, Music From Japan Goes On Generational Venture”

FCI Coverage: YouTube

Kyodo News

Asahi Digital


Classical Voice North America: “Music From Japan Looks Inward For Signs Of Identity”


Classical Voice North America: “2 Concerts Accent John Cage Factor in Japanese Music”


Classical Voice North America: “Music From Japan Builds Noteworthy New-Music Catalog”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Critic Explores Old and New Music in Japan”

Musical America: “MA Top 30 Professional of the Year”

St.Louis Post-Dispatch: “Critic explores new and old music in Japan”

Arts Birmingham: “Festival Returning Culture After Nuclear Devastation”


Classical Voice North America: “Music From Japan: Sounds Are Novel, Style International”


Classical Voice North America: Historical Context Sharpens Focus On Music From Japan

Classical Voice North America: Music From Japan: Bearing the Stamp of Global Fusion


The New York Times: “Music From Japan Brings In Some Neighbors as Well”
The Washington Post: “Instruments from China, Korea and Japan to come together at Smithsonian”


The Washington Post: “Folk music of Okinawa at the Freer Gallery”


The Japan Times: “Traditional Japanese Musicians Wow U.S. Audience with Tribute to Disaster Victims”


The New York Times: February 17th, 2012 “Making Music for a Ghost Town”
The New York Times: “Wistful Strains of Hope for a Japanese Village Devastated by Radiation”
The Japan Times: “Iitate mayor updates N.Y. Music Fans”


The New York Times: “Music in Review”


The New York Times: “Interplay of Antiquity With Some Modernity”


The New York Times: “New Interest in Ancient Sounds”


The New York Times: “A Composer Beats the West At Its Own Game”
The New York Times: “The Songs Of a Culture Almost Lost”


The New York Times: “A Country’s Most Authentic Art Is Often Its Best Ambassador”


The New York Times: “An Idiosyncratic Overview From a Japanese Master”


The New York Times: “Tribute to Takemitsu Evokes a Private World”


The New York Times: “Resurrecting a Daydream of the Exotic East”


The New York Times: “Classical Music in Review”


The New York Times: Harp Enchantment in Japanese Mode


The New York Times: “Violin: Koichiro Harada In Japanese Works”


The New York Times: “All-Japanese Program of New Works”


The New York Times: “The Drum in Japanese Music”


The New York Times: “Schuller Conducts New Japanese Music”
The New York Times: “Music From Japan Series at Asia Society”


The New York Times: “Championing Japanese Music”
The New York Times: “Music From Japan Performed at Carnegie Hall”